Friday’s Flirt – Dreary Winter Days Got You Feeling Down?

The cold, grey days of winter may feel isolating and heavy. They can affect your mood. Studies have shown that many people feel down during this time. Whenever that sense of blah overtakes you try adding pops of fun to your day by flirting. Engaging in fun activities like flirting have been proven to elevate your mood which can completely shift your day in a powerful way.

Here are a few examples of how you might incorporate fun and flirting during these dreary winter days. Bundle up and get outside. Approach the season with openness and curiosity. Challenge someone to a snowball fight, make snow angels with them and playfully flirt during these activities. Pretend to need assistance in standing up from making snow angels. When help is offered pull them down to you for a kiss. Run toward or away from whoever you are challenging in a snowball fight. Throw out bantering conversation while doing so. Make a game out of it with the winner claiming whatever you decide is the reward. Or you could stay inside. Have a dance party and use your body to flirt with your partner. Make hot chocolate with whipped cream. Spray the whipped cream into your partner’s mouth for fun.

All alone in this weather? Facetime someone you want to flirt with. Put on some music and ask them to dance with you. Be playful. Invite them to meet you for a sledding experience or other activity that you would enjoy.

Use your imagination to create playful flirting experiences. The possibilities are endless when you open to adding fun to your day with flirting.

Bye, bye blahs. 
Shelly O’Connell

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