Friday’s Flirt – Up Your Level of Fun

What would you rate as your level fun? Would you claim it as overflowing, occasionally, sometimes, or non-existent? Do you play and have fun daily, weekly, monthly, or rarely? Fun is one area that we are never taught to measure. Because that is true, we can forget to include it in our daily lives.

Fun has a direct correlation to your overall wellbeing. It has been shown to; lower your stress levels, increase positive feelings, improve your relationships, give you better coping abilities, boost your immunity, enhance your creativity, elevate your energy, improve your productivity and cognition, and even assist you in getting better sleep. These are a few reasons to start incorporating fun into your daily life. 

One of the best ways to Up Your Level of Fun is to engage in flirtation each day. Try making the energy of playful flirting a priority in your life. I recommend flirting many times a day or night. The results can be fabulous! 

Take notice of when you are having fun each day. If fun measures low on your meter, invite your inner flirt out to play.  Ta, ta for now gorgeous, 

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