Friday’s Flirt – Relationships Require Flirtation

Want to stay connected with your man and keep the enjoyment of being together going? Date night has its place, however, Relationships Require Flirtation on a more regular basis in order to really flourish. Being open and curious to expanding your playful adventures together through flirtation is key to the relationship.

Use these tips to keep things interesting and fresh. Plan to include flirtation in your daily interactions with him. What would make it fun for you? Do you want to gently tease, add heat, or simply feel the delightful energy that happens when you are present to each other in this playful way?

It is very attractive when time is made to see and intentionally be with your partner. Think about how such an interest would make you both feel. Now express it by flirting with him today.

Shine on, Goddess, Shelly P.S. Check out Flirting Coaching signups on the homepage.

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